Where to Find Us

Welcome to Sea Shepherd locations worldwide

If you'd like to volunteer locally or find the latest news about Sea Shepherd campaigns and events in your country, check out our list of the independent Sea Shepherd groups around the world.


Global Headquarters

Sea Shepherd Global 

Lage Naarderweg 45

1217 GN Hilversum

The Netherlands


Contact us

Austria - Slovakia

Sea Shepherd Österreich

Postfach 73, 1210 Wien

Email: info@seashepherd.at


Sea Shepherd Belgium vzw

Postbus 65, 1840 Londerzeel

Email: info@seashepherd.be

Czech Republic

Sea Shepherd Czech Republic, z.s.

Čerpadlová 572/5, 190 00 Praha 9

Email: info@seashepherd.cz


Sea Shepherd Deutschland e.V.

Reeder-Bischoff-Str. 18, 28757 Bremen

Tel: +49 421 16988715

Email: info@sea-shepherd.de


Sea Shepherd Ireland NPO
Bagenalstown, Co. Carlow
Tel: +353 851 010 662
E-mail: info@seashepherdireland.org
Volunteer e-mail: volunteer@seashepherdireland.org


Sea Shepherd Italia Onlus

Via Rosso di San Secondo 7, 20134 Milano

Email: contatto@seashepherd.it


Sea Shepherd Luxembourg
P.O. Box 95 / L4401 Belvaux / Luxembourg
Email : info@seashepherd.lu


Sea Shepherd Nederland

Lage Naarderweg 45, 1217 GN Hilversum

Email: info@seashepherd.nl

Fundraising/Donors: support@seashepherd.nl

Finance/Billing: finance@seashepherd.nl


Sea Shepherd Switzerland (Italian/German/French)

Triemlistrasse 110, 8047 Zürich

Email: coordinations@seashepherd.ch



Sea Shepherd Australia

2 Ann Street, Williamstown, Victoria 3016

Tel: 1300 OCEANS (+61 1300 623 267)

Email: australia@seashepherd.org.au

New Zealand

Sea Shepherd New Zealand
PO Box 90437, Victoria Street West, Auckland 1142
Tel: +64 22 1501817
Email: info@seashepherd.org.nz

Latin America


Sea Shepherd Chile

Email: chile@seashepherdglobal.org

Email: latinamerica@seashepherdglobal.org

North America

United States/Canada

Sea Shepherd Conservation Society

PO Box 7750, Woodbridge, VA 22195, USA

Tel: +1-212-220-2302

Email : info@seashepherd.org

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